Dr. Gilda Gasparini
Thursday, 29 February 2024
Gilda is the Director of Programmes at Lucideon and “Midlands Advanced Ceramics for Industry 4.0” Programme Manager. She has 16 years’ experience in product development, scale up and collaboration across a variety of high value manufacturing sectors. The “Midlands Advanced Ceramics for Industry 4.0” Programme is funded by UKRI through their flagship funding scheme “Strength in Places”. Alongside technical workstreams, it focuses on developing the talent pipeline to support the advanced ceramics sector future. Gilda has led activities in this area such as engagement with schools from primary to colleges, industry-academia activities to support undergraduates and PhD and up-skilling of existing workforce. A key output of this workstream was a survey of the consortium to obtain a baseline snapshot of the diversity of the group in terms of gender, ethnicity, disability but also social background and caring responsibilities. The output will be used to support employers, schools and local authorities to create a richer environment for talents in the advanced ceramics sector to thrive.