
Dr. Faye Smith OBE

Dr Faye Smith OBE is the part-time Materials Specialist for DIT’s NPH team. For 15 years Faye has supported materials-related foreign direct investment (FDI) across a range of sectors. DIT’s UK Materials FDI Proposition focuses on business opportunities afforded by changes in the UK supply chain due to environmental, sustainability and resilience requirements, such as battery materials and materials recycling, as well as opportunities in the UK’s high value markets.

Faye is a Director of Avalon Consultancy Services and, in her specialist area of composite materials, has been involved in the development and delivery of two UK Composite Strategies, including the establishment of the National Composites Centre and the Composites Leadership Forum and has been on the Board of Composites UK for 10 years. Faye is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.